12 Reasons You Should Study Abroad

In the last few years, there has been a growing interest in studying abroad, especially from citizens of countries like Nigeria, India, Ghana, etc. For example, according to data analyzed by Mundus Consult, In the last three years, the UK Visa and Immigration has granted over 120,000 student visas to Nigerians and this number keeps increasing every year.

Studying abroad is one of the best ways to gain global opportunities and life-changing experiences for many students.

Here are some reasons, you should not miss out on studying abroad; 

1. Acquisition of global skills: 

We live in an era where humans are highly demanded by organizations all over the world. 

According to the world economic forum future for jobs report (2020), skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-management is the most sort after by employers, and research, it’s shown that student who studies abroad are more equipped with these skills due to life-changing experiences they gain that opens their eyes to the different ways of life.

2. Career Opportunities:

Employers are increasingly valuing graduates with international experiences and education because it is believed that they have experience dealing with people from different diversities plus a higher level of adaptability.

Studying abroad helps you learn a new language and appreciate different cultures, you also learn to overcome challenges that come with living in a world different from the one you are used to. These are important traits for recruiting employers in this digital age.

Also, some students who study abroad get to love their host countries so much, they end up getting jobs there.

3. Build Network:

A shared international study abroad experience is a great way to bond with fellow students. It enables you to connect with people from different cultures, looking out for opportunities like you. They could be of benefit to you during your study or even later on, in the future when you need them the most.

Many lifelong friendships also begin in the university and this gives you so many opportunities to learn, live and travel together during your study abroad.

4. Tourism Benefits:

One of the biggest reasons you should choose to study abroad is the opportunity to see the world. You get to experience a brand-new country, culture, and activities. You also get to see new terrains, natural wonders, museums, and landmarks of the country you choose to study in. 

Asides from that, you are not just limited to traveling in just the nation you are studying in, you get to visit neighboring countries as well. For instance, if you travel to the UK to study. You can easily catch a flight to Rome, Paris or Barcelona, and many other fascinating places. 

5. Self-Confidence & Independence

If you are someone who has lived your life depending on people like your family members and relatives, or you have always been scared of doing things on your own because you are always wondering what people might say. Here is your cue to challenge yourself, go study abroad!

It is often said that studying abroad makes you become truly independent from your family and friends. Also, you get to make decisions on your own when you are independent which would help build your self-esteem.

6. Access to international student discounts

Student discounts are always fun but 100 times more so when you are shopping from shops with big prices.

One thing many people would not tell you is that international students enjoy the most shopping platforms like ASOS, River Island, New look, Netflix, etc. As an international student, you have access to discount cards that you could use to shop on some online platforms and you automatically get discounts on products shopped. This is an amazing benefit because it helps you spend less while getting more.

7. Access to international scholarships 

Studying abroad doesn’t have to make you penniless, as many institutions are offering scholarship opportunities for international students. It’s advisable to research the scholarship opportunities available to apply.

8. Quality Education 

Studying abroad allows you to experience a new style of learning from the one you are used to in your home country. By studying abroad, you get to see a new side of the course you are majoring in. 

Quality education is a masterpiece of studying abroad, cause why else are you studying abroad? Countries like the UK, USA, and Australia have extremely high educational systems with a huge percentage of high-ranking universities.

9. Make a living

If you are studying in countries like Canada, Finland, Australia, Germany, the UK, etc. Students are allowed to work 20 hours per week and that’s an opportunity for you to earn money as you study and save for future purposes or just enjoy while you study.

10. Personal Development 

One benefit of studying abroad is that you gain independence and the opportunity to discover yourself while gaining knowledge of a new culture. It has been observed that students who study abroad become explorers and discover the curiosity and excitement that they harbor.

Studying abroad can be overwhelming at first, and it tests your ability to adapt to a new environment while being able to provide solutions to challenges you face.

11. Learn a new language

Another opportunity you get while studying is the opportunity to learn a new language. Learning a new language could be a challenge, but when you get to live where they are native languages, it helps you to learn faster.

12. It’s a Challenge

There are unique challenges that come with studying abroad, but it is all part of the fun as d experience you gain. You might not be comfortable leaving your home country at first, but do not worry, it is natural. Stepping out of your comfort zone is what makes the experience valuable and one to always remember as you unlock so many opportunities by just taking that one step.

Final Thoughts

Having discussed the benefits of studying abroad, the next question should be – which country should I consider? This is a very difficult choice for most people to make especially when faced with options like USA, UK, Australia, Canada, and Germany.

If you need help making a choice, you should reach out to us for a consultation. One of our counselors will speak with you to assess your situation and offer professional advice.

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